How do I receive SMS verification codes?

Mobile phone is an invention that has a significant impact on our day to day lives. Cellular technology has completely altered our lifestyle. Our mobile phones have replaced our IPods, books, wallets, cameras and so much more. It seems like there is an application for every other thing now and we can keep a track of all of our activities on a single device that can fit into our pockets. However, one of the major revolutions that this device has brought in our lives is reducing the communication gap. SMS or text messaging has undoubtedly become one of the most convenient forms of communication.

Our own mobile phone numbers, used to receive express or register various platforms, and then slowly marketing calls and spam messages on more and more.

In such an environment, it is important to protect your privacy as much as possible, there is a point is a point, after all, harassing phone calls such behavior alone by the relevant departments to rectify is not enough, today to share a website that allows you to fill in your mobile phone number when registering a platform more comfortable - Free SMS Receive

Free SMS Receive

Free SMS Receive is mainly used to receive verification codes, no registration is required and it is also completely free. Please do not use it to receive important content or use it as a sub regular mobile phone number. The website currently offers around 40 virtual mobile phone numbers in the USA and the numbers are updated from time to time.

Once you click on Read SMS, anyone can see the current messages received by this mobile number (another important reason not to use it as a regular number).

Free SMS Receive

To receive a verification code using Free SMS Receive, select any mobile phone number on the website and fill in the location where you need to verify your mobile phone, then go back to the "Read SMS" screen for that mobile phone number and refresh the page.